The Big Shift: Going From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

gallery_pic_jgThis year, I have decided to make this my best year. To stop letting fear run the show and get out of my own way. This why I am so excited to attend, The Big Shift. This weekend I am kick starting myself inside and out.

You have all been hearing the buzz about Jennifer Grace, the Transformation Coach and Hay House author.  This weekend at the The Center of Grace she’s gathered an amazing team of wisdom professors to present The Big Shift, a well-rounded crash course designed to take you to the next level. Continue reading

Lost in Translation

Male & Female

 (Photo credit: Conanil)

I wrote this many years ago, circa 2007, a young ingenue exploring the differences in communication styles between men and women. I confess, I was drunk when I wrote this….

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